Having a fruit salad on a hot summer day sounds like a good idea. As you cut up a pineapple, you can’t help but notice how observant your dog is to any “drops” on the floor. Seeing the pineapple slices, you begin to question “can dogs eat pineapples?” Great question!
A wide variety of fruits and vegetables are safe for dogs to consume. Pineapple is a fruit that is not only safe to consume, but also contains a high concentration of nutrients. There are numerous vitamins and minerals in this tangy fruit that serve to promote your dog’s health and hydration, making it an extremely beneficial treat for your dog!
Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?
Generally speaking, pineapple is one of the fruit varieties that is safe for dogs to consume. However, pineapple is one of those fruits that shouldn’t be served to your dog on a daily basis or in excessive amounts. Raw pineapple is a good fruit snack for dogs when consumed in small quantities.
Because of the fruit syrup contained within the container, canned pineapple, like most canned fruit, has a tendency to have an extremely high sugar levels. Unfortunately, even naturally occurring sugar from fruits like pineapple may not be healthy for your dogs because their digestive systems are not suited to handle large levels of sugar in their diets.
So while small quantity of fresh pineapple might be a pleasant fruit treat for your canine friend, canned pineapple should be avoided.
What Parts Of The Pineapple Can My Dog Eat?
A fresh ripe pineapple contains some portions that people don’t eat, and the same is true for a dog’s digestive system. Your dog can eat only the soft, inside part of the fruit.
This means that before presenting the fruit, you must remove the spiky outer shell and the hard inner core. A choke or intestinal obstruction can occur if your dog eats these sections of pineapple.
How Much Pineapple Can Dogs Eat?
An average day’s fruit and vegetable eating should account for approximately 10% of a dog’s total food consumption. Treats should not account for more than 15% of his daily caloric consumption. A serving of 8 small-sized pineapple chunks contains around 50 calories.
This is about the proper amount of food for a medium-sized dog. As a matter of fact, this should only be done as a special occasion treat. It should not be consumed on a regular basis because of its high sugar content. There are some possible negative effects that only a small number of dogs may encounter, like constipation.
Benefits Of Pineapple For Dogs
Pineapples are refreshing and hydrating due to the fact that they are primarily composed of water. However, this does not imply that they are merely empty calories. Pineapples are also a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin B6, among other nutrients.
Vitamin C, just as it does in humans, can aid in the strengthening of your dog’s immune system. Additionally, it contains anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. Vitamin B6 is required for a multitude of physical activities in your dog, including the activity of their nervous system.
Finally, pineapples include a variety of minerals that are beneficial to the health of the skin and coat, as well as other connective tissue in the body. Pineapples also contain an enzyme known as bromelain, which helps the body digest food.
It has been proposed that this chemical may be beneficial in the treatment of the irritating habit of eating stool. It is said that adding pineapple to your dog’s diet can make the stool less appetizing for the dog.
Possible Side Effects!
Because pineapple has a high amount of dietary fiber, giving your dog an excessive amount of pineapple may cause him to get constipated. Considering that pet owners have been advised that it is critical for dogs to consume foods high in fiber, this may appear to be counterintuitive.
Your dog may not be able to digest the high levels of fiber in pineapple because he or she may not be drinking enough water to help break down the fiber. In addition, the glucose and acidity in pineapple can lead to dental decay, obesity, or even diabetes among other things.
Other Ways to Feed Pineapple to Your Dog
Apart from simply tossing them a few slices of fresh pineapple as you chop it up, there are several additional ways for your canine friend to enjoy fresh pineapple. When combined with plain yogurt, it can be used as a delightful and nutritious food topping.
On a hot summer day, you can put them in the freezer to make them even more refreshing. If you have frozen pineapple, you may purée it and use it to make a doggy-friendly pineapple sorbet. You can even give your dog a small slice of grilled pineapple when you have a barbecue with your friends.
Pineapples can be a delicious snack for both you and your dog. However, as with any new treat, consult with your veterinarian before adding pineapple into your dog’s diet.