Many foods that are suitable for humans are not ideal for cats. Cats have a unique diet nutrient requirement, which can only be met by food formulated by a veterinarian certified in veterinary nutrition. Sometimes, you may be tempted to share your plate with your cat, but bear in mind that particular food can be poisonous. Simultaneously, some available and accessible human foods are not dangerous to your cat’s health.
What Food To Not Feed Your Cat?
While your cat can eat some of your food, there is some food you should not feed your cat. For example, onions and garlic, grapes, raw animal products (egg, meat, etc.), alcohol, chocolate, dairy products (cheese, yoghurt) are toxic to your cat because of their nutritional composition.
What Makes Those Foods Toxic to Cats?
These are the human foods that are dangerous and cause many symptoms of your cat.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), a number of human foods are unsafe for felines to consume.
Here are some of the reasons why your cat should avoid these most toxic foods.
Onions and garlic
Excess onion and garlic in cat’s food are toxic because they contain a compound called thiosulphate. The presence of the compound in a cat’s body can destroy red blood cells and lead to loss of blood.
Although, you can add some onions and garlics to your cat food to increase its appetite.
Raw animal products (meat, egg, etc.)
Some unprocessed products of animals are usually easily contaminated with microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.) that can infect your cat’s body system. Diarrhoea, vomiting, fever are symptoms of this food poisoning in your cat.
In some cases, the consumption of raw eggs can also lead to skin and fur problems due to an enzyme present in raw eggs. Also, reduce your cat’s accessibility to raw bones because it may damage its digestive tracts.
It would be best if you prevent your cat from having access to food substances that contain alcohol. Consumption of food substances containing alcohol will cause problems, including vomiting, diarrhoea, breathing troubles, disorientation for your cat.
In some cases, consumption of alcohol can lead to coma and the eventual death of your cat. Therefore, always avoid your cat having contact with food substances containing alcohol and their derivatives.
Milk and dairy products (cheese, yogurt, etc.)
Consumption of milk and dairy products can cause digestive problems for your cat. It is because most cats cannot process dairy products. After all, they are lactose intolerant.
The consumption of milk and other dairy products can distort the digestive system and lead to diarrhoea.
Chocolate and caffeine drinks
Always ensure that your cat does not take these substances because they contain theobromine and caffeine. In addition, the products are dangerous for your cat’s circulatory, skeletal, and nervous systems.
The consumption of these products can cause high temperature, abnormal heart rhythm, increased thirst and so on in your cat. Therefore, ensure that your cat does not have any access to these substances and their products.
The consumption of grapes by your cat can cause illness and kidney failure in your cat. Symptoms such as vomiting also occur after the consumption of grapes by the cat. Your cat can also show other symptoms such as diarrhoea, loss of appetite, reduction in urination, abdominal pain, etc.
Although some cats do not show any symptoms of grape consumption, it is best if you don’t allow your cat to have access to grapes.
What Food Should Your Cat Need?
Some human foods can be given to a cat, however, they must meet your cat’s nutritional requirements. Also, it is highly recommended to feed your felines with variant options like wet and canned cat food, frozen cat food, and freeze-dried cat food.
Fish is a protein food that is good for the development of the body structure of your cat. Adequate consumption of fish will enhance the eyesight, joint, and brain development of your cat.
Cooked poultry, beef, and other types of meat are suitable for your cat. This is because a large quantity of sodium is found in it, which supports the skeletal system.
Banana is one of the human foods that are not toxic to your cat’s body system. However, you should regulate feeding it to your cat because of its high sugar content.
Berries (strawberries, blueberries, etc.) are food substances that are high in antioxidants that you can feed to your cat.
Cats can eat human foods that are not toxic to their body system. If you have any doubts or if your cat ever shows any symptom of food poisoning after accidentally eating any of these foods, contact your vet right away!