Ever wondered what vegetables can dogs eat? Dogs are the friendliest creature ever known to humankind. Caring for a dog comes with immense responsibility. A proper diet and food are very important for your dog’s health and play a major part in their character building as well. Keeping up the treats for your dogs is the easiest way to keep it motivated for any activity. Buying the factory packed treats will cost you tons of cash per Annam. So instead of buying bags of treat, you want your dogs to get used to the cheaper treats that will go easy on your wallet.
Fruits and veggies are very healthy for humans. They play a very essential part of our diet. Surprisingly, fruits and veggies make excellent treats for your dog. They are low in calories and is yet a healthier option. They are something you can easily find in your house. You don’t have to make a specific purchase for your dog’s treat if your dog is used to with the fruits and veggies.
Whether you want to trim down your dog’s waist or for a healthier alternative to the commercial dog treats. Although fruits and veggies are healthy in general some are dangerous for your dog and must be eliminated from the diet. Adding new food into your dogs’ diet can cause diarrhea, vomiting and upset stomach issues.
One of the best reasons to choose natural food for your dog is if your dog is allergic to something used in the treats from the store. Apart from that, you can make them as healthy as you want without worrying about the expense.
Here are the top 12 picks of Vegetables & Fruits dogs can eat.
Bananas make great occasional treats for your dogs as they are high in fiber, magnesium, carbohydrates, and potassium. They also a great source of vitamin C & B6. They consist of high sugar content which means that it must be given to your dogs in modest quantities.
Apples are low in fat and rich in fiber. Being one of the cheaper fruits on the list that could be used as a great treat for your dog. They also consist of vitamin A & C. Apples have the highest concentration of pesticides among the fruits and washing them properly is very important. However, before giving it as a treat to your dog you must cut the stem, seeds, and core out.
Being a magnificent source of vitamin C and fiber, they are also low in fat. Their antioxidant properties
can help prevent cell and tissue damage. Although being smaller in size Blueberries can make a perfect treat for outdoor training of your dog.
Strawberries are rich in magnesium, fiber, folic acid, potassium, and iodine. They consist of omega 3 fatty acids along with vitamins B1, B6, K and C. They have the properties to strengthen the immunity and lessen the aging issues in dogs. Strawberries are one of the healthier alternatives to commercial dog treats.
Raspberries are perfectly sized dog treats as they are high in vitamin C and fiber. And low in fat and sugar. Raspberries are a low-calorie treat that should be given to your dog in moderation as they contain xylitol which could be precautious to your dogs. However, they are one of the best occasional treats for your dogs especially if your dog is old, because of their anti-inflammatory properties.
Pineapple is known to be a natural multivitamin for dogs. It is loaded with a large number of vitamins and minerals. Its high in fiber and vitamin C to be exact. Like the rest of the sugary fruits Pineapples are best fed in limited quantities. Make sure to peel off the skin and take the hardcore out before feeding it to your dog.
As you might already know spinach is a magnificent source of iron, vitamin K and antioxidants. Feeding your dog spinach every once in a while is a wise decision. You might have a difficult time feeding your dog spinach as most dogs would not bother. Other than that spinach is a fair treat and source of energy.
Pears can make a great treat for your dog. Feeding your dog with pears ensures the high vitamin C & K for your dog as they are packed with a massive amount of it. Make sure to feed your dog with small-sized pear to prevent choking.
Sweet potatoes:
Sweet potatoes are relatively low in cost and can end up making long-lasting dog treats. It is an enormous source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber. There are numerous recipes for dog treats that are sweet potato-based. If you are looking for a kind of treatment that can last you for days you may consider it. And if you want to feed it raw then you must cut it into small edible pieces to prevent choking.
Broccoli contains a massive amount of fiber and vitamin c which makes it great sourcing for your dog. It also has traces of isothiocyanates that might cause an upset stomach. However, feeding it to your dog in moderation would be great.
Feeding your dog seedless watermelon is great in summers. Watermelons are packed with an extensive amount of water, magnesium, Vitamin A, vitamin B, and potassium. Feeding your dog watermelon with seed might raise choking hazards. However, you can buy a seedless watermelon or you can take the seeds out of the regular one.
Feeding your dogs Pumpkin makes a gigantic effect in their nutrition and diet as pumpkin is very nutritious for dogs. It is packed with fiber, zinc, iron, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. You can make pumpkin portions for your dog. It can also enhance your dog’s immunity system and digestion. Dogs love their taste and you might not have a hard time feeding it. Large chunks of pumpkin can raise the choking hazard. Therefore, you can always cut the pumpkin into cramped pieces for dog treats.
Thanks for reading our article about What Vegetables Can Dogs Eat!