Trying to figure out what a cat is thinking and feeling can be downright frustrating. So why do cats rub against you? A lot of the time, feline behavior is governed by stress and terror, but happily, one cat habit in particular is usually dictated by a good, friendly place.
A cat’s head rubbing up against your legs or rubbing his head on your legs indicates that the cat is pleased with his or her surroundings. Head rubbing is a habit that cats develop with their mothers as kittens. This is an affectionate gesture that can also be used as a greeting.
Let’s find out why cats rub against people, objects, and even each other.
A cat rubbing itself on you, even on your face, is a sort of marking, and it can be done on anything from people to door frames, cupboards, table legs, and pretty much anything else in the house.
Several scent glands, including those in the foreheads, cheeks, chins, and at the base of their tails, allow cats to leave their distinctive scent on objects or humans when they rub these parts against them. We are unable to detect this, but other cats can.
This isn’t a territorial activity like spraying, but rather a kind action that helps the other animal. It is these pheromones that they leave behind that are similar to those found in synthetic pheromone mixtures, which many professionals recommend for nervous cats.
For this reason, cats will frequently mark the same locations over and over again because these pheromones do not last indefinitely.
Demand For Attention
Occasionally, a cat may rub their face on the palm of the owner’s hand to indicate that they require attention. Cats, by nature, are independent creatures, but they still crave their owner’s love and care. They’ll let you know immediately if they feel the need for any of these.
When your cat zigzags between your legs, It’s possible your cat wants to say hello. Basically, they simply dump their smell and collect yours, which normally happens when you’ve been away from them for quite a long-time time.
Looking For Information
When a friendly cat meets a new person for the first time, it may rub up against the guest to greet them and to learn more about them, such as where they’re from and whether or not they have pets of their own.
It differs from cat to cat whether or not this type of behavior is an appeal for affection. While some cats don’t want to be petted, others are interested in getting information from you. To put it another way, don’t take a stranger cat’s head stroking as an invitation to be petted.
Cats also greet other cats they are familiar with a bunt or a head rub. These behaviors are used by feral cats, who typically live in groups, to demonstrate their allegiance with the group and to single out their “preferred associates.” When a group of cats live together and rubs against one another, a collective aroma is diffused across the group.
To Express Frustration Or Aggression
It’s a crucial chapter in the cat parenting guidebook , which is to teach your cat not to scratch or bite. However, it is possible that this practice is limiting their ability to express their anger or frustration.
Cats, on the other hand, have figured out how to express their emotions in the most sensitive and effective manner possible. If your feline companion is rubbing up against you in an unpredictable manner and appears to be more pushy than usual, it is possible that they are actually yelling at you.
Cats are known to use this mode of communication to communicate with their cat parents when they are feeling angry, misunderstood, or even depressed. Try to be aware of their body language the next time your cat rubs against you.
Do Cats Target Different Spots To Rub On Purpose?
There are no specific parts of the human body that cats target with distinct signals; they tend to go for whatever is easiest to reach. But when a cat rubs your face, it seems more personal. It is possible that a kitty will only do this when he/she really likes you.
Head butting is a peculiar form of cat rubbing in which cats vigorously knock their heads against you. This communicates the message “I’m your friend.” Because of the vulnerable positions the cat’s face and eyes are in when it engages in head rubbing/bunting, the behavior not only leaves pheromone signals that identify friendly interactions, but it also expresses trust.
Cats often enjoy rubbing their entire bodies across our legs as they go past us. Their tails frequently end up around our legs. This is another friendly greeting between cats, and by extension, between cats and the humans they care about and trust.
How To Encourage Your Cat To Rub Against You
As long as they don’t knock stuff out of your hands, cats rubbing is a wonderful feeling. When they rub against you, reward their action by petting them. This reinforces the desired behavior. Pet your cat by rubbing or scratching their head if they come to you after a long day without seeing you.
The cat will like having your scent around again. However, you should be aware that cats prefer to have their heads and ears stroked and scratched rather than their backs and sides. As a result, your cat’s head bunting or rubbing may be an attempt to get you to concentrate on petting and scratching their head rather than just their body.
Bottom Line
Cats rub up against you in order to gather information and build a better bond with you. Although head bunting and massage are considered affectionate gestures, they are not always so.
Cats display this behavior with individuals who are already a part of their environment (in whom they place complete trust) and with objects that are already a part of their everyday lives. Do not push your cats away the next time they snuggle up on your legs or nuzzle their faces against your cheek.
Petting them instead of rubbing and scratching their heads may be more effective. You’ll be able to establish a good relationship with your cat, and they’ll feel confident and protected in your company.