Pet peeing in inappropriate places is one of the most prevalent issues that individuals encounter with their pet companions. Why do cats spray? There could be several possible reasons for this. Your cat’s urination may be due to a variety of medical conditions, including kidney disease and arthritis. If all of these possibilities have been ruled out, the most likely explanation is a behavioral one.
First, you must identify if your cat is urinating or spraying. When cats are spraying pee, they tend to rise up and expel a tiny amount on vertical surfaces, as opposed to horizontal ones. Most of the time, cats urinating on horizontal surfaces crouch and evacuate larger amounts of urine.
You should seek the advice of a veterinarian if you’re unsure of what’s wrong with your cat before attempting to treat it yourself.
What Cat Spraying Means
A common method of communication among cats is by scent, with cats explicitly leaving their scents in specified locations. Spraying is completely common and acceptable behavior in the cat world, just as scratching, rubbing their faces on items (including you), or even rolling around on the ground are acceptable ways to “communicate.”
It’s common knowledge that cats communicate with us by rubbing their faces on things or rolling around, but we’re (understandably) less enthusiastic about our cats spraying urine as a means of communication. So, let’s take a closer look at why and how your cat can be acting in this manner.
Causes of Cat Spraying
Stress or Unhappiness
Cats, like many people, enjoy the feeling of being in command! If they aren’t fully happy or are experiencing any tension or anxiety, they may spray. Along with the smell, the act of spraying helps them to feel more confident.
So it’s possible that your cat’s spraying may be a result of a shift in your pet’s routine or lifestyle. Your feline friend, after all, is a creature of habit, and he dislikes being disturbed. If you suspect stress is to blame, attempt to figure out what it is about your cat’s behavior that makes him unhappy.
For example, if your cat is afraid of a neighbor’s cat, you could close the curtains or windows to prevent your pet from feeling threatened. A regular period of play for your cat may also be beneficial because they may be lonely and in need of a lot of love and attention.
Checking your kitty’s health if they’ve been behaving oddly or if they’ve been playing around a lot is a wise decision. A bladder infection can cause your pet to urinate excessively, and it’s certainly not pleasant for them!
Because of arthritis or age, your cat may have difficulty entering and exiting the litter box, causing it to urinate outside the box. So, if you see anything strange, it’s critical that you take your furry buddy to the veterinarian to rule out any medical problems.
Fussy Felines
Your cat’s litter box may be to blame for the cat’s habit of spraying. Your cat may choose places other than the litter box because of factors such as litter type, litter placement, and cleanliness. Make the litter box as luxurious as the Ritz Carlton to remedy this issue.
Because spraying is such a challenging subject, it calls for a multi-pronged approach. This includes determining if the cat is suffering from a medical condition, resolving probable cat-on-cat aggression, maintaining a clean litter box, and using an anti-anxiety medicine like Prozac.
The use of behavior modification drugs such as Prozac to treat cats for their spraying activity is not necessary in all cases. Veterinarians should be consulted before using any natural methods to stop your pet from spraying. Enzymatic deodorizers can also be used to remove the smell from the place where the cat has urinated, which your cat may find pleasant.
Limited Litter Boxes
What is the number of litter boxes you have in your home? If you have several cats, you may find that you do not have enough! You should always have one more litter box than the amount of cats in your home.
You can help one of your pets overcome their shyness by providing them with easy access to their own litter box. This should be in a place where your cat won’t be disturbed and where there is plenty of peace and quiet.
What To Do If Your Cat Is Spraying
Take your cat to the vet
You must first take your cat to the veterinarian. Anxiety and stress can cause urinating, so be sure to clear that out as a cause before moving on to the next step of treatment. This problem could be resolved with a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, which would benefit both you and your cat. Remember that there are no medical conditions that directly cause a cat to urinate or spray.
Special diets
The use of therapeutic diets, which are available from your veterinarian, may be beneficial in reducing urine spraying. These diets frequently contain chemicals that are comparable to those found in anxiety pills.
Encourage productivity
During the day, provide your cat with a variety of productive toys, such as food puzzles or interactive toys that he can play with even when you are away. There is less time for him to get agitated out and spray in your house if he is occupied in this activity.
Get your cat neutered
Cats who are hunting for a mate will mark their territory with urine. Basically, it’s a cat dating app. The act of spraying serves as an announcement of a cat’s availability. Spraying is done by both male and female cats, with unneutered males being the most likely to leave a mark.
Spraying may have emerged as an unwanted acquired behavior in your cat if he or she was spayed or neutered later in life, even after the need to spray was removed from the setting.
Approximately ten percent of neutered males and five percent of spayed females will continue to spray after being neutered or spayed. The urine of an intact male cat will have a distinct “tom cat” stench when it is sprayed. Neutering will alter the cat’s odor and, perhaps, decrease its desire to spray.
What You Should Never Do When Your Cat Sprays
Keep reminding yourself of the fact that your cat is feeling nervous and frightened and is only trying to find a way to feel safe. As you deal with this difficult and stressful issue, rely on your own compassion.
Please remember that your cat is not angry with you, punishing or vengeful in any way; he just does not understand you. Don’t take the urine markings too seriously. Don’t yell at your feline friend. Avoid disciplining your pet. If you “catch” a cat “in the act,” do not use water to subdue him/her.
Cats will always find a new place to spray if you try to stop them from spraying in the same place. Don’t do anything that will make your cat more frightened. Stressing her out will just make things worse, as she will continue to spray excessively.