Cats meow for several reasons. When kittens are young, they meow to their mothers in times of coldness, hunger, or fear. As they mature, they learn new ways to communicate and interact with other cats, most commonly by hissing or yowling. An adult cat’s primary method of communicating with humans is meowing. However, it might be annoying if your cat is continuously meowing.
If you often think, “Why is my cat crying?” or, “Why is my cat meowing so much?” Keep reading to learn more.
Disruptive Crying And Meowing In Cats
Uncontrollable meowing or weeping at odd hours is excessive vocalization. This vocalization may be caused by pain, disease, cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS), or hearing loss in elderly animals.
In the course of midnight awakenings, which involve excessive vocalization, CDS is frequently the cause. Excessive meowing may also be connected to behavioral disorders, which, if identified and treated, can be controlled by behavior modification training.
Breeds of naturally energetic cats may be more likely to meow loudly. Siamese and other oriental cat breeds may be more likely to engage in excessive vocalization. Male and female intact cats make a lot of noise when mating and in estrus.
Your Cat May Be Bored Or Unstimulated
Cats may meow excessively due to boredom or because they haven’t been sufficiently exercised during the day. Trying to keep their thoughts engaged and joyful during the day as well as engaging in energetic play before bed will assist to ensure that they are more exhausted at night. Your cat’s nocturnal meowing may simply be an act of attention-seeking.
Even though it’s crucial to care for your cat’s needs, repeatedly giving in to their demands for attention could make them more persistent. If this is a difficulty for you, try not to surrender too frequently.
They Have A Medical Problem, Or They’re Stressed
A number of diseases and conditions might make your cat thirsty, hungry, or in discomfort, which will result in excessive meowing. Medical disorders including kidney disease and an overactive thyroid are two examples.
A cat might become more talkative under stress. If you’ve moved or acquired a new family member, your cat may be agitated and meowing more.
This issue has the potential for being quite serious.
Make an appointment with your veterinarian for a thorough examination if you feel your cat is suffering from either physical or emotional pain. They can develop a thorough treatment plan to ease your cat’s pain or provide you with advice on how to calm your cat’s anxiety.
Territorial Claiming
If a cat’s need to mark its territory isn’t satisfied, it may vocalize more than usual. For instance, if one of the other cats is preventing your male cat from accessing a particular location or is stressing him out in some other way.
Please be aware that cats, regardless of gender, can be aggressive. And it’s not just about the other cats in your household, either. Your male cat may show a territorial attitude toward your children, dogs, physical items, and even other cats outside that they view through a window.
Yowling Could Be The Sound Of Mating
Many of us have heard loud screeching and cats yowling at night during mating. Although this is a natural procedure, it is firmly advised to neuter your cat, both male, and female, as doing so greatly minimizes the number of unwanted kittens. Not to mention that it will silence the obnoxious yowling sound.
Cats are at risk for mental confusion and muscular failure as they age, just like humans. The cat cries and meows irrationally as a result of this uncertainty. However, other medical conditions like Down Syndrome may also present with motor impairment.
Without consulting a veterinarian, there is no way to be certain. Not all breeds of cats will meow as they age since some may be more active than others.
Your Cat Simply Wants Attention.
Instead of reacting to every meow from your cat, pay attention to them when they become quiet. If your cat continues to meow, step away until they stop. The simplest approach to stop excessive meowing is to physically separate yourself from your cat, but you should make sure to spend daily quality time with her (they are part of your family, after all).
Additionally, playing with your cat gives them the necessary amount of activity for their health. Continue rewarding restrained behavior while ignoring persistent meowing. It might still take a while to stop the noises, but rewarding your cat for being peaceful will help.
How Do You Treat Excessive Vocalization?
The treatment for excessive vocalization is determined by the underlying cause. Take your cat to a vet or veterinary therapist if she is meowing excessively so a primary medical or psychological diagnosis can be made.
Consider why your cat is requesting more attention if your veterinarian decides that there isn’t a medical reason for it. A lot of cats make noise because they are bored and not getting enough to do. Increasing the mental and physical stimulation for your cat could solve the issue.
If you are giving your cat the proper enrichment and it is still vocalizing to get your attention (and medical problems have been ruled out), you must constantly ignore them, delaying any attention until the cat is quiet.
Typically, cats will first vocalize more frequently and for longer durations before giving up. You must keep your distance from the cat during this time. If you give in, your cat will discover that the only effective method to obtain your attention is by vocalizing louder and for a longer period.
Reward your cat for engaging in more suitable behavior so they can learn to avoid attention-seeking behavior.
Environmental Enrichment
If your cat is bored, spend the cash on stress-relieving environmental enrichment. This includes things like lots of opportunities for vertical and horizontal scratching, more vertical space and climbing opportunities, time spent outdoors with a leash or in a Catio, opportunities for food puzzles and hunting, etc.
Scoop The Litter Box Before Bed
Cats prefer to do it in a fresh, clean litter box. So your cat may be crying at night due to a dirty litter box. To ensure that your beloved friend has a clean location to discharge himself, try scooping before bedtime.
Your cat’s litter box should be discarded once a week and properly cleaned with a safe, environmentally friendly cleaner in addition to being scooped once or twice a day. Your cat will be happier and more peaceful at night if its litter box is sparkling.
Respond To New Behavior Patterns
You must teach the cat how to get your attention properly. To get your attention, a cat may begin to sit quietly next to you. If you don’t act quickly, the cat may resume meowing. In the event that your cat develops new habits, such as pawing at your leg, it is up to you to determine whether or not you want to encourage or discourage these new behaviors.
Most likely, your cat will still meow occasionally. It’s acceptable to act in response to a meow that indicates an issue, such as an empty water dish.
There are several causes behind your cat’s excessive meowing. A pet owner should never reject the reasons before learning the truth because they are typically valid. Additionally, determining the root of the problem and resolving it is the only proven approach to silencing your cat.
Because some of the situations call for expert assistance, you need to make sure that you involve your veterinarian.