Most dogs love a nice belly rub. But Why do Dogs Love Belly Rubs? Many of them like it so much that they will ask for one. But does your dog love belly rubs? Let’s find out together!
First, we have to know what makes a dog crave a belly rub. What’s so special about belly rubs? Dogs love belly rubs just because it feels so good and relaxing. Further, it also releases a particular reaction in their brain that makes their hair shiver. Some researchers might believe that dogs are fond of belly rubs and petting just because they think that it’s an act of affection coming from a human.
Your dog might be asking you to rub their belly when they roll over on their back, and their stomach faces you sometimes, they give you some clues to make you rub their belly. Dogs only do this because they trust you. Dogs loves a nice belly rub so much that they wouldn’t be bothered to show you some vulnerability. With them exposing their underbelly, which is much sensitive to take advantage of, it’s a necessary trade for a dog to be submissive for an exchange of that magnificent feeling of a belly rub.
Science behind belly rubs:
It seems like there is not much behind the science of a belly rub, but there has been supporting evidence on why almost every dog loves it so much. There is a reaction that happens, which makes your dog crave for it is that mammals have a particular neuron in the brain that reacts to the stimulation of the follicles of the hair. Whenever you rub their belly or pet them, their body releases a hormone known as endorphins that makes them feel exquisite because it’s a natural painkiller hormone that is considered as hormones of good feelings.
Dog kicks during belly rubs:
While the majority of dogs love the feeling of a nice belly rub. However, there a large number of dogs who might kick their leg during a belly rub. Many of us think of a specific area to scratch on. This exact area may vary depending on your dog or its species. But, your dog kicks and prevents you from doing that. Which is perfectly normal because it might be its reflexive response. It is much like the reflex which your doctor performs on your knee by hitting it and getting a response back. It is often known as a scratch reflex.
What it does is activate some nerves under the skin, which links with the spinal cord. They send a message from the brain to the body, which reacts in a leg kick to stop the action and feeling. It is the same signal which the brain sends to the body to respond as in twitch when a bug sits on them.
It usually developed in dogs to help them to prevent the regular irritants on their body. This scratch reflex thing can be set side by side with the human knee-jerk, which you do when a doctor taps below your knee using a hammer for your reflex check. Vets can also measure the level of neurological problems or nerve damage using scratch reflex.
Your dog loves a Belly Rub:
Belly rub is one of the sweetest joys a dog may experiences. Apart from the strength of other dogs who don’t welcome a belly rub. It is known to believe that the skin of the belly area is the part where dogs can’t usually reach. And it is much more sensitive than the other body parts. So reaching out to the non-reachable part and rubbing gives then the satisfying feeling that they can’t resist. If your dog welcomes It or even show a sign of this submissive act, don’t hesitate and hold back let it out and relax your dog a blissful belly rub.
Your dog resists a Belly Rub:
There are some breeds or a particular dog who don’t enjoy a belly rub. Your dog could be one of them. Out of many reasons, most of them could be the following:
- Your dog doesn’t enjoy the feel or pleasure of a belly rub.
- It might feel the belly rub position to be insecure and vulnerable.
- Your dog may not trust you with the submissive position and
- There are a handful of breeds of the dogs who resist the belly rub, and your dog might be one of them.
- The spot where you belly rubs it may not be the right one.
- In some dogs, it might be a sign of fear that your dog fears.
You have to make sure that while belly rubbing, you are not actually forcing your dog to be in a specific position for a belly rub. It might remove all the pleasure for your dog when the mood is not right, and you might force it upon your dog. Be aware of your dog’s temperament.
Body Language and Mood:
Keep looking for the body signs and the mood of your dog. It is the best way to figure your dog out and read its story. As dogs can speak and communicate with you. Their body signs and behavior are much of communication from their side most of the time. Keep an eye on its activities and be aware of its mood because belly rubs at an uncertain time may cause your dog anxiety or fear issues. If your dog is in a relaxing mood, muscles all loosen, usual calm face indicates a welcome sign for a belly rub. However, the position which makes you sure of your dog’s mood i.e., fearful or defensive positions are all sign of no belly rubs.
Should you rub your Dog’s belly or not?
Well, the answer really depends on the dog. Whether or not he loves the belly rub or not. If your dog is one of them who loves to get on its back and put its belly up-front for a friendly and blissful rub, then you should do it more often to pleasure your dog. However, if the case is opposite then pass-on on that and find another way to relax your dog and create an unbreakable bond with your four-legged friend.