It’s possible that your dog has eaten an orange, clementine, or tangerine, and you’re thinking, “Can dogs eat oranges?” In a nutshell, yes, dogs are able to digest oranges. Most dogs can take a slice or two of this citrus fruit without any problems. Overfeeding your dog with oranges can cause stomach troubles and other health problems, just as it can with humans.
Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of feeding your dog oranges and other citrus fruits, such as tangerines, mandarins, and clementines. Then, we’ll discuss several safe methods for preparing and serving oranges to your canine companions.
Benefits Of Oranges For Dogs
Despite the fact that oranges are high in dietary fiber and potassium, thiamine, and folate, they are low in salt. They also include high quantities of vitamin C, which can help to strengthen your pup’s immune system and keep infections at bay.
While it is true that puppies produce vitamin C on their own, if your furry friend engages in excessive physical activity or is under a lot of stress, their liver may not be able to synthesis enough vitamin C, making it helpful for them to consume oranges.
Even if this is not true with your dog, a small amount of extra vitamin C will not harm them because it is a water-soluble vitamin that will be released. A few experts also believe that vitamin C can aid in the detoxification of your dog’s stomach if they get their teeth onto some of the more toxic foods (like certain types of nuts).
If your dog is overweight, oranges are an excellent alternative to other calorie-rich treats.
How Much Orange Can My Dog Eat?
It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to oranges. Some dogs are inherently opposed to the tart scent and strong citrus flavor of oranges, and you may find this to be the case with your dog.
To see if this is true for your canine companion, place a peeled slice on the floor and allow your dog to sniff it for a few minutes. You may discover that they are not interested, or that they appear to demand an unlimited amount.
In terms of sugar composition, oranges have approximately 9% sugar by weight, and a one-cup serving of orange pieces has approximately 17 grams of sugar and 4 grams of fiber. Because of the considerable sugar level, just 10% of your dog’s daily calories should come from this fruity treat.
Similarly to other high-sugar fruits and vegetables, oranges should be avoided by dogs with diabetes.
How Can Oranges Be Bad For Dogs?
Oranges contain a considerable amount of natural sugar. Because of this, both humans and dogs enjoy eating them. Oranges are high in sugar, thus overweight dogs should avoid them. They don’t need to ingest any additional calories.
In the case of diabetic dogs, the situation is the same. Oranges are a no-no for them. Dogs’ insulin levels can surge as a result of the sugar.
Is It Safe For Dogs To Drink Orange Juice?
Orange juice should be avoided at all costs, even if it is freshly squeezed. Dogs should not consume it because it is highly concentrated, and it does not contain the dietary fibers that make natural sugars safe for canine digestion.
Water, without exception, is most fitting when it comes to keeping your dog hydrated and happy.
Can Dogs Eat Mandarin Oranges, Tangerines, Or Clementines?
The answer is yes, as long as the citrus fruits are peeled and offered in modest quantities, dogs are okay to consume them. Mandarin oranges are a little flatter on the ends than, and they have a somewhat distinct flavor from standard oranges.
Clementines and tangerines are both members of the mandarin orange family, hence, the same guidelines apply to them. If your dog is diabetic or obese, you’ll want to avoid mandarins, tangerines, and clementines because they’re a little sweeter.
Ideally, only dogs who are in good health should be given these citrus fruits to consume. As a general guideline, offer no more than half of a clementine or tangerine to smaller dogs, and no more than a whole fruit to bigger dogs in a single day.
Final Thoughts
Dogs, like people, benefit from a diet that is rich in nutritious whole foods. They can consume oranges along with a variety of other fruits and vegetables, and they may even benefit from the nutritional value of oranges. However, any time you introduce a new meal into your dog’s diet, it may result in an upset stomach.
That is not only true for dogs. This is something that many people who have sensitive stomachs encounter when they try something new. Healthy pet supplements manufactured from organic and whole food ingredients can help to improve your dog’s digestion.