Choose Names for your Cat is our latest article. Do you think ‘deciding’ which pet to adopt is the hardest decision to ever make? Well, think again. One fine morning, you pay a visit to a pet store, instantly fall in love with the tiny ball of fluff you first laid your eyes on, make necessary arrangements, and walk out of the store on your way home with your newly adopted pet cradling in your arms.
And you thought this was hard? We beg to differ.
For every new owner, the challenging thing to do is to select the most suitable name for your pet among the hundreds of other names you have mustered up on a piece of paper for your ease. Deciding the name of your cat is not as easy as it seems. There are several factors to look at and consider before naming your favorite pet, something that suits your cat’s personality and traits.
So, are you having trouble and running out of ideas to name your cat?
Do not worry! We are here to help you name your kitten something sweet that you and your cat will surely love.
What To Consider When Naming Your Cat
Facts, every animal is unique in its way. Naming your pets after their unique traits make their mannerism even more lovable and adorable. Here are some factors to always consider before naming your little friend:
Always keep in mind the breed, sex, color, physical features, behavior, and personality of your cat before giving a name to your little companion.
If your cat is sociable, friendly, playful, shy, and extremely affectionate towards you and your close ones, then, Congratulations! You have hit quite a jackpot. There are at least a hundred names on the list that suits your cat’s traits. They are as sweet as your cat’s loveable personality, and even your cat would approve of them. A sheer number of “smart” names are at the top of the list if your cat is abnormally intelligent than others.
Easy Names To Pronounce
If you are an individual who always goes for unique terms or names to call your beloved ones, then keep in mind that they are mostly harder to pronounce. Short and easy names with 1 or 2 syllables are always pleasant to call and hear. So, names that roll out of your tongue smoothly are a better choice.
In case you have decided on a long name for your cat, then think of its shorter versions as well.
Cat Names And Their Appearances
Physical appearances like the color, size, and eye color of your cat can help determine its name. For instance, Snow, Coco, or Pumpkin are great names to call your cat considering its color. Similarly, names like Ocean, Blue, Pepper, or Sky can be given to your cat based on its eye color.
Physical appearances do not only include your cat’s shape or color. Appearance factors such as your cat’s gender, breed, and hair length should be granted attention. If you have welcomed a Persian or Siberian cat at your place, royal names like Elba, Jasmine, or Elizabeth can be a good pick for a beautiful female. Thomas, Casper, or Marcus can be a good option for your handsome boy. Ginger, Dusty, Milo is the most suitable for your kitten if she/he has golden brown or orange locks.
Family Names For Your Cat
Culture and heritage influences can also help to name your cat. Names that hold importance in your family can be passed to your cat. What more honor you would want to give your beloved pet to officially make it a part of your family member?
The Letter Family
You can name your cat based on the first letter of your name, but be sure that it suits your cat’s characteristics as well. If your name starts with K, then feel free to choose the names starting with Ks to name your cute little kitty. However, naming your cat ‘Kitten’ seems a little fruitless. It is always better to pick a name for your cat that will grow along with it. Calling ‘Kitten’ to a big old cat just does not seem right.
Movie Name For Your Cat’s?
You can name your cat after your all-time favorite movie or your favorite character. It is not very uncommon for owners to name their pets after their favorite characters or movies they had binged-watched during their childhood. Calling your cat with the name of your favorite character can bring an immediate dose of happiness for you both and make a dozen joyful memories together.
From the 1990s to the present 2000s, there has been a wide range of movies made on cats. With that said, there are a bunch of famous cat characters of good old times which you might want to use for your convenience.
Find your favorite cat characters featured in the movies and name your kitten that suits her the most.
Your Favorite Food Can Be Your Cat’s Name
It must have sounded weird reading this, right? Do not be surprised! Loads of people name their cats after their favorite food dishes. It works like an instant boost of serotonin when you call your cat your favorite fruit and watch him/her respond to you with tiny meows. Doesn’t it sound adorable?
If you are an owner of a tiny female kitten, you can think of naming her Cherry, Brownie, Sugar, or Bailey. More adorable names are on the list for you to choose from.
So, is naming your cat, or any other pet animal is necessary? It certainly is! Providing a beautiful name to your little companion shows that you have welcomed the love of your life with open arms and have kept it for a lifetime. With that being said, it gives an impression of how mindful you are and how much love you carry for that fluffy little creature.
For more research, visit our Pet Name Generator Tool for help.