Taking a dog home from the shelter can be an exciting experience, but if you have ever met other dog lovers while out for a walk, you’re probably familiar with the guessing game that ensues. “Oh, just look at those adorable floppy ears and curling tail, he looks so interesting.” Is he a dog or a cat?”
There is a good chance you will guess right based on his appearance and behavior but you’re not certain. That is why, an increasing number of pet owners are resorting to DNA test kits to eliminate any uncertainty about their pets’ ancestry.
Why Is It Important To Know A Mixed-breed Dog’s Ancestry?
Approximately half of all dogs are mixed breeds, and each of these breeds has a unique set of behavioral characteristics. You might benefit from learning what breed features influence your dog’s behavior when it comes to training or solving behavioral issues.
Even if you’re trying to train your closest buddy or fix a behavioral issue, the same principles apply. When you go to the vet, the doctor will appreciate it if you tell him what breed the dog is. The veterinarian will be able to better tailor your dog’s diet, exercise, and preventive medicine regimen based on this information.
As a result of all of this, both the owner and the dog will be more well-informed and happier.
Are Mixed-Breed Dogs Healthier Than The Purebred Dogs?
In general, dogs that are mixed breeds are healthier and live longer than purebred canines. However, purebred dog breeders can use modern genetic testing tools to improve the health of their bloodlines.
There is less genetic diversity in purebred dogs than in mixed breeds because of their smaller gene pools. Purebred dogs cannot be outbred to maintain their heritage; hence, the gene pool of the breed as a whole will fade over time.
Due to inbreeding, common fraternal disorders are more likely to affect purebred dogs than mixed breeds. In order to verify the veracity of such contentious claims, it would take years of research and in-depth analysis of the findings.
It is true that many purebred and mixed-breed dogs enjoy long and happy lives. As a result, it begs the question of how to tell if a dog’s genetic defect is the result of poor breeding practices.
Browse Breeds
Take a look at several examples of dogs of different breeds to see if you can identify the kind of canine companion you have at home.
Several distinct websites each include their own unique version of an exhaustive dog breeds list. Ears, muzzles, and tails are the most distinguishable parts of a dog, and they tell a lot about the personality of the dog.
Eye Test
The eye test requires nothing more than a straightforward comparison of the physical characteristics of your dog to those of established dog breeds.
Examining a dog’s head shape and features, such as the length and color of its fur, as well as the dog’s size and general body type, including its legs and tail, can provide insight into the dog’s overall appearance.
Dog DNA Tests
Some brands of canine DNA tests are available on the market. An AKC dog breed database is used to compare the genetic information extracted from a swab of the dog’s mouth with data from other AKC breeds.
With the help of these tools, it is possible to determine that 16 percent of German Shepherds, 12 percent of Bernese Mountain Dogs, 30 percent of Entlebucher Mountain Dogs, and 40 percent of Border Collies are purebred.
In the absence of livestock or poultry, your mixed-breed dog will enjoy agility, a Frisbee, weighted exercise, or specific jobs like bringing in the newspaper, among other things.
Ask Your Vet’s Opinion
Due to the fact that veterinarians are exposed to a wide variety of dog breeds throughout the course of their careers, the vast majority of them have developed an acute ability to identify the breeds that might be present in the canine ancestry of their patients.
If you are uncertain about the genealogy of your dog, you should see your local veterinarian for advice. It is possible for him to determine the breed of your dog, but this will also depend on the specifics of the situation.
Explore Breed Group Behavior
You may be able to identify the origins of your mixed-breed dog’s ancestry by looking at how specific dog breeds were first evolved. Take note of any habits your dog performs on a regular basis. Whether it’s chewing the sofa, stealing your food, or pointing out birds and bunnies.
It is possible to identify each of these characteristics with specific breeds. Here are a few examples of breed-specific behaviors:
Herding dogs are known for their tendency to pinch and bark at other animals as well as youngsters. This group includes collies, Pembroke Welsh corgis, and German Shepherds, which were originally bred to herd sheep and cattle.
Dogs with a strong prey drive are likely to have ancestry from a hound group breed. Some of the breeds in this group are greyhounds, Ibizan hounds, beagles and basset hounds.
Due to the fact that terriers were originally bred to hunt vermin, they have developed a strong desire to dig and burrow. It’s possible that your dog is a Russell terrier, Boston terrier, or Scottish terrier because of their erratic nature.
Physical Traits Aid In Identification
Physical characteristics are frequently used to identify purebred dogs. Purebred dogs’ height, body conformation, coat length and color and markings, head shape, and ears can all be used to identify their breed. If a large dog has a sloping back, a black and brown coat of medium length, erect ears, and a drooping tail, it is likely to be a German Shepherd.
On the other hand, a Pug looks like a little, round dog with a short, brown coat and a corkscrew tail. When it comes to determining a dog’s breed, physical characteristics aren’t always dependable. Mixed breed dogs are expected to be a crossbreed of the traits of both their parents.
Mixed-breed dogs might appear like either one or both of their parents, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, all of these traits can be found in the same litter at times! Sometimes you’ll get puppies that look just like their parents, or you’ll get puppies that look like a mix of their parents, or you’ll get puppies that look like something entirely different.
When it comes to mixed-breed dogs, outward appearance isn’t necessarily a trustworthy indicator of the breeds that comprise them.
While seeing a purebred dog is generally simple, spotting the mix in our cross-breed doggie can be more challenging. This can be done by looking at their appearance, including the shape and size of their head, their ears, and the style of their coat.
In addition, they may act like certain breeds, such as digging like a boxer. To be certain of your dog’s breed, a DNA test is a solid option, provided that breed is included in the data set. But an extended help is recommended.